

We provide knowledge that a basic installer needs to know as an absolute minimum.

LPP provides different paths to enter, or continue a career and business, in the Lightning Protection Industry. Joining will enable you to start off with the absolute minimum and build your knowledge and experience from there onward to be successful in the Lightning Protection Industry by designing, supplying, building and testing, to the correct minimum standards.

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Exposure to Industry​

Exposure to industry peers - Both their and your knowledge and experience, are encouraged to be shared – the concept idea is so all industry role players would understand and employ LP concepts and methodologies, and understanding of the standards the same way to protect the industry, as well as the end-users.

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Easier Communication​

LPP does marketing for the Association. Anyone can access the Members Section to list or consult the easily accessible members database. You also get notifications of any and all industry seminars, zoom meetings, standards briefings, etc.

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Better Methods​

Old, new or better methods of doing things are discussed, shared and explained in a peer-related scenario. We have the answers, AND we have an association with local universities, postgraduate studies, lecturers, and professors who delve deep to solve the unknown issues step by step.

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Gain Confidence​

Being a member will require of you to adhere to generally accepted best practices and all of the relevant standards. This will give members much more confidence in applying your knowledge and know-how, knowing you are selling/promoting the accepted minimums and required values.

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Have Influence​

All of the LPP directors are LP professionals themselves. Some of us are also members of the SANS 10313 Working Group, at the SABS. This gives our Association a voice at the core of the industry where the rules and regulations are made. This affords our Association some level of influence, as to what is written into SANS 10313 – making it fair towards the public as well as toward LP contractors.

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Capable Consulting

Insurers, assessors, end-users, and property owners all have Lightning Protection, Surge and Earthing questions that need answering – As a recognised member, you will be exposed to the relevant standards and best practices, and therefore be able to eventually give authoritative answers, while being backed by other members, as well as the LPP Association itself, to provide credible, and accurate answers.

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Authorised Membership

You will get the authorisation to add the “Recognised Member of LPP” logo to your service vehicles, your web site and other correspondence as well.

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Equal Opportunity

Your name and company will be listed on the LPP Web Site, as an equal opportunity listing in our online searchable database – this is an awesome feature! Your LPP Membership recognition, experience, courses, project scopes, company logo and a short CV that you write yourself gets topped off with your own company website (if you have one) or you can use the LPP Member page with all your own details.

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And finally – the LPP logo gives end-users peace of mind, building on your credibility as a professional LP Contractor.

ARE YOU ready?


With easy sign-up and immediate online payment capability, your application to become a recognised LPP Member is well on its way.

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Sign up today and get free access to the Module 1 – Basic Principles course. This course lays the foundation in your development as a lightning protection practitioner / engineer.